Thesis Writing Guidelines Animal Husbandry Undergraduate Study Program Faculty Of Animal Husbandry

Thesis as a scientific work is the final task of students of the Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, to be formally declared to have completed their studies, with a Bachelor of Animal Science (S.Pt) degree.


Directly or indirectly, the quality of the thesis is often equated with the quality of graduate graduation produced by a university, even though the thesis is only one of the requirements needed to obtain a bachelor's degree. The quality of the thesis, among others: depth of content, problems studied, technical writing and patterns and styles of writing are still often the subject of discussion. Therefore, in writing the thesis, the writer is required to pay attention to the guidelines for writing the thesis.


Based on the considerations above, improvements were made to the book "Guidelines for Thesis Writing", with the aim of being a guide for students of the Animal Science Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University in carrying out thesis preparation. However, the success of writing a thesis in the end will be largely determined by the ability and perseverance of the author himself.